Tools for a Good Mood


Discover the city and get to know new people by taking part in one or more of the activities from the free GoodMood programme for students. Are you interested in more tools for a good mood? On this page you can find plenty of tools and inspiration. And if you ever find yourself in a bad mood, there is also support to be found if you need it. 


Do you want to be inspired to look at your life from a positive point of view? We have collected some fun and useful videos, podcasts and TED talks for you to help you with this! Enjoy watching and listening!

Ted Talks

Ted Talks

'10 ways to have a better conversation'

When your job hinges on how well you talk to people, you learn a lot about how to have conversations — and that most of us don’t converse very well. Celeste Headlee has worked as a radio host for decades, and she knows the ingredients of a great conversation: Honesty, brevity, clarity and a healthy amount of listening. In this insightful talk, she shares 10 useful rules for having better conversations. “Go out, talk to people, listen to people,” she says. “And, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed.”


'The brain-changing benefits of exercise'

What’s the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today? Exercise! says neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki. Get inspired to go to the gym as Suzuki discusses the science of how working out boosts your mood and memory — and protects your brain against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.


‘10 things you didn’t know about orgasms’

“Bonk” author Mary Roach delves into obscure scientific research, some of it centuries old, to make 10 surprising claims about sexual climax, ranging from the bizarre to the hilarious.


‘Inside the mind of a master procrastinator’

Tim Urban knows that procrastination doesn’t make sense, but he’s never been able to shake his habit of waiting until the last minute to get things done. In this hilarious and insightful talk, Urban takes us on a journey through YouTube binges, Wikipedia rabbit holes and bouts of staring out the window and encourages us to think harder about what we’re really procrastinating on, before we run out of time.


‘The power of vulnerability’

Brené Brown studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk at TEDxHouston, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. A talk to share.


‘How great leaders inspire action’

Simon Sinek presents a simple but powerful model for how leaders inspire action, starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers — and as a counterpoint Tivo, which (until a recent court victory that tripled its stock price) appeared to be struggling.


‘The secret of improving mental health’

Solebury School alumnus Mike Bardi ’08 is the co-founder of Project Toe, a mobile app to help those going through life’s struggles, and the author of “The Word Toe: How One Word is Redefining Mental Health.” In this TEDx Talk, Mike shares his vision for improving mental health around the world by empowering people to help one another cope with life challenges such as depression, addictions, and illness. He calls it “social therapy” – the idea that we can leverage both technology and our personal struggles to help those currently working through similar experiences. Solebury School alumnus Mike Bardi ’08 is the co-founder of Project Toe, a mobile app to help those going through life’s struggles, and the author of “The Word Toe: How One Word is Redefining Mental Health.”


‘Why students should have mental health days’ 

School can be rife with stress, anxiety, panic attacks and even burnout — but there’s often no formal policy for students who need to prioritize their well-being. Hailey Hardcastle explains why schools should offer mental health days and allow students time to practice emotional hygiene without stigma. Follow along to learn how she and a team of fellow teens transformed their advocacy into law.



If we don't laugh, we'll cry

Two sisters starting a podcast to normalise the conversation around grief and all the stupid things that come along with it.


Self Service

Self Service is your cosmic comfort zone, an “inner-beauty school” where self-care is celebrated, where getting real with emotions is a treat, and an interest in thoughtful, funny conversations, weird wellness and astrology is unabashed. It’s where being a little self-indulgent isn’t just a shame-free act of self-love, it’s a necessary launchpad into a life that’s wholly ours, in a world where we feel good about taking up space. Here, we serve our hearts. We rant. We grow. And we tune the eff up. #SelfServicePodcast



Each episode of this podcast focuses on an inspiring story of someone who has chosen not to follow the rules of the crowd, but to walk his / her own path. In addition, the makers will talk to various experts, for example in the field of meditation, stress and hormones. In each episode you learn how to find peace in a hectic world, but also how stress hormones can be calmed down and what meditation can mean for people. There are already more than 180 episodes, with a new one released every Tuesday.


Mentally yours

Een wekelijkse podcast over mentale gezondheid van

Ellen Scott en Yvette Caster gaan in gesprek met mensen die leven met een psychische aandoening, variërend van winkelmedewerkers tot beroemdheden. Ze willen informeren, begrip kweken en het stigma rondom mentale gezondheid doorbreken. Ellen leeft zelf met OCD, depressie en angststoornissen, terwijl Yvette een bipolaire stoornis en een eetbuistoornis heeft. Beiden weten hoe eenzaam het kan zijn om met een mentale aandoening te leven. Deze podcast biedt hoop en laat zien dat herstel mogelijk is.


Terrible, thanks for asking

Je kent het wel, wanneer iemand vraagt: ‘Hoe gaat het?’ en je gewoon “Goed” zegt, ook al ga je innerlijk kapot.

“Terrible, Thanks For Asking” is het tegenovergestelde daarvan. Nora McInerny vraagt mensen om hun ingewikkelde en eerlijke gevoelens te delen over hoe het écht met hen gaat. Het antwoord is soms verdrietig, soms grappig, en vaak allebei. Van American Public Media.


The Hilarious world of depression

Een podcast over depressies… met lachsalvo’s? Dat kan! Depressie is een ongelooflijk veelvoorkomende en isolerende ziekte die miljoenen mensen treft, maar die vaak gestigmatiseerd wordt door de samenleving. “The Hilarious World of Depression” is een serie eerlijke, ontroerende en, ja, grappige gesprekken met topcomedians die met deze ziekte te maken hebben gehad, gepresenteerd door de ervaren humorist en publieke radiohost John Moe. Luister naar gasten zoals Maria Bamford, Paul F. Tompkins, Andy Richter en Jen Kirkman om te horen hoe zij met depressie zijn omgegaan en toch kunnen lachen.

Als je zelf geen persoonlijke ervaring hebt met deze ziekte, is de kans groot dat iemand die je kent die dat wel heeft, of het nu een vriend, familielid, collega of buur is. “The Hilarious World of Depression” is geen medische behandeling en moet niet worden gezien als een vervanging voor therapie of medicatie. Maar het is wel een kans om wat inzicht te krijgen, een paar keer te lachen, en te beseffen dat mensen met een depressie niet alleen zijn en dat we ons samen allemaal een beetje beter kunnen voelen. American Public Media en HealthPartners’ Make It Okay-campagne zijn vastbesloten om het stigma rondom mentale gezondheid te doorbreken.


Open Source with Christopher Lydon

Open Source is an American public radio show hosted by Christopher Lydon, former New York Times journalist and original host of The Connection.The show focuses on the arts, literature, and foreign affairs.


Srsly wrong

Research based comedy podcast; utopian ecosocialism; pretty good show


Death, Sex & Money

Death, Sex & Money is a podcast about the big questions and hard choices that are often left out of polite conversation. Host Anna Sale talks to celebrities you’ve heard of—and to regular people you haven’t—about the Big Stuff: relationships, money, family, work and making it all count while we’re here.


LiefLeven (DearLife) podcast

In this podcast, you will have all space to shine! This can be done through meditation, coaching and candid conversations.


Dating entertainment

Timo, Lisa and Lieke find out what dating means in 2021. They explain why dating is so complicated nowadays, you will see fun stories about their own dates. Dating dilemmas are discussed. (in Dutch)


Leef je mooiste leven 

How to live your life best? Practical information, tips etc. (in Dutch)


Mahalia inspires

Mahalia helps you relax. She brings you into contact with yourself through meditation. (in Dutch)


Omdenken Podcast

In the “Omdenken” Podcast you can listen to candid conversations between Berthold Gunster and people who talk about their problems. He helps them to make their problem disappear or even to rethink them! Berthold uses the Rethinking matrix. You can also possible in a candid conversation yourself. (in Dutch)


The Podcast Psychologist

By listening to these podcasts, you will meet a psychologist who may help you if you feel your life is not going well. Each episode a relevant psychological theme is covered and you will get tips that are applicable in everyday life. (in Dutch)




Tony Robbins: I am not your guru

At Date With Destiny, Tony Robbins spends six days tearing down peoples’ walls in order to build them up again into their authentic selves. Witness the first-ever inside look at this monster event, the methodology behind the workshop, and the life changing, transformational experiences the attendees have under Tony’s guidance in Netflix’s I AM NOT YOUR GURU.


Brené Brown, The call to courage

With humor and empathy, Brené Brown discusses what it takes to choose courage over comfort in a culture defined by scarcity, fear and insecurity.


Headspace: Unwind your mind, an interactive experience

How are you feeling today? What would you like to do? Meditate, relax, or sleep? You choose. Headspace Unwind Your Mind is an interactive experience that allows you to “click” and choose your own, personalized breathing exercise. No matter what mind you have today, you can return tomorrow for an entirely different experience.


The Mind, Explained

Ever wonder what’s happening inside your head? From dreaming to anxiety disorders, discover how your brain works with this illuminating series.


Headspace Guide To Meditation

Headspace takes a friendly, animated look at the benefits of meditation while offering techniques and guided meditations to jump-start your practice



Are you feeling down? Are you having problems at work, with your studies, or at school? Or maybe you have no idea why, but you just feel bad. Find the support you need!

Curio Support

As a Curio student you can find an online help program on this page. You choose what you want to work on.

As a Curio student you can find an online help program on this page. You choose what you want to work on. Consider things such as poor sleep, feelings of anxiety or gloom or continuing to worry. You can tackle your concern(s) with tips, exercises and the experiences of others.

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BUas student well-being

On this site Well-being - Home ( you can find all information on the student well-being offer at BUas, including an animation video and an infographic on the care structure so you know where to go when you need guidance. To highlight a few important buttons:

On this site Well-being – Home ( you can find all information on the student well-being offer at BUas, including an animation video and an infographic on the care structure so you know where to go when you need guidance. To highlight a few important buttons: On the Student counselling ( page students can schedule an appointment in the agendas of the student counsellors and psychologists.
Via the BEST button Register for free BESTtraining ( students can find information about and register for free extracurricular training courses and activities.

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Zorg voor elkaar

Soms kun je wel wat hulp gebruiken: een tijdelijk steuntje in de rug of zorg van een vrijwilliger of professional.

Soms kun je wel wat hulp gebruiken: een tijdelijk steuntje in de rug of zorg van een vrijwilliger of professional. Bij Zorg voor elkaar Breda kun je met al je vragen over hulp en zorg. Je bent daar altijd meteen aan het goede adres. Samen met jou zoeken ze naar een oplossing die bij jou past. Daarbij gaat het om wat jij nodig hebt, wenst, kunt en ervaart. Sommige vragen kunnen ze direct beantwoorden. Voor andere vragen maak je een afspraak, bijvoorbeeld bij jouw thuis of in een inlooppunt in de wijk. Zo’n gesprek is altijd gratis. Kijk op voor meer informatie.

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+one? That is a little more attention, for yourself or for someone else.

+one? That is a little more attention, for yourself or for someone else. Every now and then a heartfelt ‘how are you?’ for that neighbor or person you always see on the street. Shop or drink a cup of coffee together. In our beautiful city, with people and beautiful places in abundance, we help each other.

Here you will find stories of the people from the campaign and how they have made them feel less alone. You will also find organizations where you can go with questions.

Finally, we give you tips and tricks to help yourself or someone else to get rid of the feeling of loneliness.

That’s +one for us.

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Hey, het is oke

Je somber voelen, angsten hebben of gespannen zijn: bijna één op de twee Nederlanders krijgt ooit te maken met een psychische aandoening.

Je somber voelen, angsten hebben of gespannen zijn: bijna één op de twee Nederlanders krijgt ooit te maken met een psychische aandoening. En in deze tijd van spanning en onzekerheid nemen klachten vaak toe. Toch praten we er weinig over. De mensen om wie we geven, kunnen daardoor ver weg voelen. En hoe weten we dan hoe het met iemand gaat?

Of je nu zelf last hebt van psychische klachten of iemand kent: praten houdt mensen dichtbij. Het zorgt ervoor dat je elkaar begrijpt en kan een stap zijn naar de juiste hulp. Daarom vind je op de website Hey, het is oke feiten en fabels over psychische klachten en tips om er op een fijne manier over te praten.

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OPEN over depressiviteit

Een op de vijf jongeren krijgt te maken met depressiviteit. Om verschillende redenen kan het in je leven soms extra lastig zijn om te gaan met mentale kwetsbaarheid.

Een op de vijf jongeren krijgt te maken met depressiviteit. Om verschillende redenen kan het in je leven soms extra lastig zijn om te gaan met mentale kwetsbaarheid. Erover praten is dan vaak een grote stap. De multimediale buitententoonstelling OPEN over depressiviteit wil daar verandering in brengen. Omdat we willen laten zien dat je niet alleen staat, dat er hulp beschikbaar is en er plekken zijn waar je hierover kan praten. Met elkaar of anoniem. Daarbij willen we omstanders en professionals op weg helpen met hulp en advies. En iedereen laten weten dat mentale gezondheid onze aandacht verdiend.
Deel jouw tips, verhalen en ervaringen op social media met #openoverdepressiviteit en bouw mee aan openheid.

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Avans: Student Support

Student Support is your first point of contact if you have questions about counselling, mentoring, development and well-being. You may need a face-to-face appointment with a student counsellor or confidential counsellor because you are having doubts about your choice of study programme or because you need help managing your stress levels or dealing with personal circumstances.

Student Support is your first point of contact if you have questions about counselling, mentoring, development and well-being. You may need a face-to-face appointment with a student counsellor or confidential counsellor because you are having doubts about your choice of study programme or because you need help managing your stress levels or dealing with personal circumstances. Or you may require counselling because you have a functional impairment or are struggling with dyslexia.

You may want to find out everything there is to know about tuition fees, financial aid for studying, public transport and the student travel product, or re-enrolment. Or more information about other topics, including the Education and Examination Regulations and the Students’ Charter.

Are you looking for extracurricular activities? Would you like to join a student society, or find out about affordable sports options? Go to Student Support for all of the above and more.

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Hoger onderwijs toegankelijk

Do you have a special need? What facilities, adaptations and regulations are there specifically for you?

Do you have a special need? What facilities, adaptations and regulations are there specifically for you?

Find all your support questions on Hoger Onderwijs Toegankelijk

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Do you need support in the area of work, studying and /or money? Check out!

Do you need support in the area of work, studying and /or money? Check out! This is an easy-reference website that helps young people to get a better understanding of a range of topics in these areas.

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Tool for young people: Positieve gezondheid

Health is more than just the absence of disease, it’s about feeling happy too! There’s a special tool for young people, called Positieve Gezondheid, which gives you an insight into how you are doing health-wise.

Health is more than just the absence of disease, it’s about feeling happy too! There’s a special tool for young people, called Positieve Gezondheid, which gives you an insight into how you are doing health-wise. This can encourage you to think about what’s important to you and what you yourself can do to feel better. Click here to take the test (in Dutch). At the end of the test you will receive several tips on how to work on your own health. 

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Alles Oké? supportline

Are you having troubles at home? Are you worried about the future?

Are you having troubles at home? Are you worried about the future? Are you bothered by something and you just need to get it off your chest? You can discuss anything. No subject is too strange or weird and no problem is too small or too big.

The Alles Oké Hulplijn offers support for anyone aged 18-24 if things just aren’t going great. You can chat or mail, free of charge and anonymously, with a qualified volunteer, about any topic you want! Accessible through 0800-0450 and chat.

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